Shak Rasam: the Ayurvedic green juice


Here is the miraculous recipe for a detoxifying smoothie by our beloved Dr. Sharma from Dharamshala. It is green and bitter. It is cleansing. It moves the bowel. It cools you down. It helps you get rid of toxins and other extra baggage you’ve been carrying around in your body. It is superb in the spring and summer season, or during summer monsoons if you have any in your area.


Who might need one

  • diabetics

  • someone suffering from any metabolic disorder

  • Kapha aggravated people (with lots of stiffness, heaviness, excessive mucus in the body etc)

  • those craving detox (maybe in the spring)

  • overheated or Pitta aggravated people (in the summer, with hyper-acidity etc)

  • Pitta and/or Kapha constitutions for snacks between meals

Who should avoid it

  • highly Vata aggravated people (with excessive dryness, bloating, dry floating stool or constipation, never-ending cravings)



  1. Brihatshak (1 large piece of green vegetables - anything green, such as leaves, salads, kale, brussel sprouts, cucumber…)

  2. Laghushak (1 smaller piece of another vegetables - celery, fennel, any fresh green herb such as mint, coriander or parsley…)

  3. Aushad Dravya (1 medicinal herb - turmeric for metabolic or liver disorders, ginger or cinnamon as a digestive stimulant, Triphala powder against constipation…)

  4. Beejam (1 spoon of nuts or seeds - any that suit you, best soaked in water overnight)

  5. Lavanam (a pinch of salt or Ajwain to reduce the bloating effect of the vegetables)

  6. Jambiram (citrus such as lemon juice - to help digest the minerals)

  7. Phalam (a handful of fruit such as apple, pear, kiwi, pomegranate, papaya, berries etc - avoid super-sweet fruits like bananas, dates, mangoes…)

How to make one

  1. Get yourself a blender

  2. Blend all ingredients with some water - usually 1/2 glass is enough. Follow your favourite consistency :)


When to indulge

You can use this smoothie in various detox methods. One of my favourites is having a Shak Rasam fast - taking one whole day to drink only this smoothie whenever I feel hungry, instead of any meals or solid food. This fast is great for someone suffering from a Pitta-Kapha disorder, or as prevention for Pitta/Kapha aggravated people or constitutions. Vata aggravated people should not fast at all, or very differently. Hit me up, if you are unsure of your situation and proper fasting for you!

Once in a while, everyone can enjoy this smoothie though! Drink it especially when you feel like eating but you wouldn’t digest a proper meal at the time - for example:

  • first thing in the morning

  • between meals as a snack

  • in the evening when you are not hungry enough for dinner

  • whenever you are not hungry but have cravings for a snack




Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat in Greece 8.-17.10.2021


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